Who We Are?

About us

Westzyde Marine Inc. (WMI) is a duly registered company in Guyana with a registered office located at Lot 15 Section F, La Grange, West Bank Demerara, Guyana, South America.

WMI aims to offer a new level of marine related services to the Guyanese market. The services offered will cater for the growing oil and gas industry in Guyana, the fishing industry, the maritime security sector, corporate companies as well as private individuals.

Our extensive list of technical services offered will continue to grow as the demand arises within the market, as well as with the increase of maritime traffic in Guyana’s waters.

No matter what type of boat, or service or even boat accessories you are interested in, our team of highly trained marine staff is always ready to deliver as per your expectations.

Meet the team

Our team combines long-time experienced service staff with sales staff who places every customer’s needs and satisfaction first.

Rest assured, you will have unmatched marine consultancy and exceptional customer services.

Whether it is a specific part for an engine, repowering a boat by the latest propulsion and controls technology, we’re all brought together by a passion for boats and all things marine, especially for Guyana’s waters.

Our experience makes us stronger, smarter, and, most importantly, more dependable.


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